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8) Charlie J. Anthe,, writes:

    I like your analysis of Goldeneye, but I do have one suggestion. I realize you need to abbreviate filenames, but renamining analysis1, analysis2, etc. to anal1, anal2, does conjure the wrong ideas in the mind. Just thought I'd mention it.

As I already replied to Charlie, I kind of did this on purpose! Call it self-commenting/autobiographical if you will!

9) Rob Bielby,, from the other side of the Atlantic, writes:

    I think you were a bit unfair to Izabella in your analysis of Goldeneye and way over generous to Famke Jannsen. Natayla is the only character that gets any real development in the film, from an innocent and lost victim at the start to a very independent, thinking and valuable ally - not at all a "typical" Bond girl!! Wasn't it _great_ when she decked Boris?? Lots of my friends have commented on how refreshing it was to see an actress who wasn't just there to look pretty and end up in bed with JB at the end!

As I told Shawn Fuller, writer #1, my feelings regarding Izabella have been tainted by seeing her out of her role. I will have to see the film again to readjust my judgement.

As to that last comment, do you know of any woman who hasn't ended up in bed with Bond at the end?

    By contrast, Xenia Onnatopp is a _complete_ disaster. Utmost hamminess out of the Moore era. as bad as Mayday in VtaK!! The way she goes around getting turned on as she guns people down and "crushing men to death with her thighs" was just awful. It was blatantly taking the piss which ruined parts of the film and would have put off many first-time Bond viewers. Unlike Izabella, Famke did just stand around looking pretty in suitably tight/short attire. If James Bond does return, I hope she won't!

Whatever the value of the character, you must agree that Famke did an excellent job in her portrayl! And I also saw the parallel to the May Day character, but my opinion differs: I like May Day!

And what is wrong with a sadistic female henchwoman? Each henchman has there own pecularities that makes them "way out there": Jaws, Red Grant, Mr. Witt and Mr. Kidd, Scaramanga's midget asistant, and others. I think Xenia fits in with the rest of this group.

    Can I leave that acrimony behind and say a big thank you to The Oxford Stunt Factory for pulling off the best pre-titles stunt ever (even better than the ski-parachute cliff jump in SWLM) The bunjee jump!! Wasn't it incredible?? The best one man stunt ever??

I agree totally! Too much emphasis has been placed on the plane chase scene, when the most beautiful stunt was the awe-inspiring bungee jump!

Effects - were ok I thought. Certainly kept the action moving (whats wrong with having Bond as an action movie - they were never meant to be serious spy/espionage films like Patriot Games)

The only problem is that the quality was not very good.

Soundtrack - spot on. We needed the classic Bond sound and Eric didn't give us it. The instrumental pieces are fine, but anything to do with action was full of awful white noise.

Clever to have an equal as an adversary for Bond. Suitably icy and slightly deranged. Humour a bit lacking though

Gen. Ouromov
v. weak under-used and a bit thin when he did appear. Far too much under Trevelyan's influence

Boris minus
How can this be your favourite character? a completely wet computer spod who has a crush on the pretty girl at the desk next to him? Why did they have to even hang onto him after the destruction of Sevrenya? Couldn't his co-conspirators have saved us pain and just betrayed and kiled him? (I'm sure Xenia would have enjoyed it - the only thrill Bors would ever give a woman!!)

Why is he my favorite? Because he is funny and fun to watch! And after Natalya decked him, I loved the anger he displayed when he said "Don't ever do that again!"

Wade zero
quite right. Not the best choice for a CIA operative in Russia - he sticks out a mile!!

"M" ??
jury still out. We need to see more!

better than ever!! Lets hope Desmond lives for a long while yet. He is our hero!!

Natalya (see above)

(begrudgingly for looking glamorous which all Bond films need, and for a few funny lines)

last but not least -
Bond himself!!
Pierce has settled in quite nicely I think, and two more films will set him up as perhaps the definitive Bond as he has the sophisticated edge that Connery never quite had. He has better humour than Moore because it's not slaptstick, and he is as fierce as Dalton in places And he can deliver the one _crucial_ line perfectly "The name's Bond, James Bond"

Yes, he can be fierce. I defy anyone to claim that any of the other Bonds, save Dalton, could have made the expression Brosnan did when 006 was "shot". Brosnan can pack a lot of emotion when he needs to, and I hope to see a wider range of emotions from Bond in the future.

    One last comment - is it just me or did Bond kill a lot more people than usual this time, particularly on his escape from the prison cell? And the two main villains died particularly graphically, more so than usual. Can we hope for a stop to this trend?

I feel the same way. There was a little too much violence in the tank chase scene. Don't you think that the danger to innocent bystanders would have too great to justify his actions? There is one particularly cheesy scene: Bond obivously crushes a policeman by driving over the driver's side of a police car. Then, we see a driver manage to get out of the carnage, with no damage. He should have been dead!

Also during this scene you can clearly see dummies in several of these vehicles as they were being crushed. The editing and filming was bad here becuase these dummies were in the forefront of the scenes.